


If you go for a surgery,
and was told that it will only takes 2 hour,
and ended up fighting for your life,
Don't you have the right to be worried?

If you have gone for surgeries after surgeries,
6 in total in 4 years,
And none was successful,
Don't you have the right to be doubtful?

If you are told that 1 final surgery can fix it,
will you believe in it?

Every time you tasted the blood in your mouth,
You'll dread another needle. another scar. another trip to the hospital.
You know your clock is ticking
And you get scared

Through All that
You never acknowledge the pain,
You never shed any tears
You never complained
You said to yourself
'Come What May'

You Hold On to what Gives You Strength
The Verse that SAys
' He do not impose upon us that which we have not the strength to bear'

And through this path
You found faith and miracle,

Don't you have the right to be hopeful?
Don't you have the right to believe?

Walk my Path
Feel How i Feel
Then Maybe
You can Grasp the Strength
And Hope
I have In Me.

December 2004. 2 weeks after coma.



Crazy Day at Work Today
For Me At Least


Gum Pain. Big Ulser at the AVM area.
Since Monday
Still Trying to eat Meat But Cannot
Will Settle with Noodle for Now

Feet still Recovering. Still Snail Walking.
Still attempting to Walk like a Normal Person
Been 4 weeks already
Note to myself: Don't!! Do not walk unless necessary!

Let see. Its amazing. if you want to get something done.


so today....we have successfully finished :

AOR revised drawing
SZB Main Terminal Building
KBR, Mulu, BTU Capex.
LHD Finalize MTB and Inital Development.

cool. 4 task for 6 airports in 1 day. Im Learning. Juz hope i didnt do any mistake while speeding.

Of course, no surfing the internet, no facebook, no long prayer time, no chatting.

Oh. And extended working hour. Going back a bit later than usual.

Im not complaining, lots of my peers who works at the firms and have crazy working hour.



How Will the Story Goes?

I realized That Today
I Found Love, Happiness and Security


I found it in 3 Different Man
3 Men that have added Colors to my life

The Doctor is the one that learns to love
The Foreigner, my other half, brings laughter and joy to me
The Sheikh's Son, provides me with security and guidance

If I can pick 1 guy to be on my side
I'll create one that have all 3

But Of Course

Im a Dreamer Today

The time is Coming when I will Wake Up

And Fly Off

So catch me In My Dream

And tell me How the Story Goes


Lust is Pink. Desire is Blue. The Rest is Just White.

Damn It

I should never find out the after effect

Damn It

Was it Just Lust?


Was it Passion?


You were completely naked,

I saw love in your eyes,

A renew passion so intense,

I caught it but i look away,

Perhaps you were just drunk.