
.So THIS is how it feels like.

.So THIS is how it feels like.

To feel like you're dangerously intoxicated,
To have such a passionate and intense feeling,
To be naturally detrimental,
To know a warming not just the heart, but the whole entire beings.


Can i drink from the wine and seize the pleasure?


Should i be discarded of the disclosure of the pure water?

.I need Answers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That drink will increase your thirst,
as taste will increase your yearning,
nearness will intensify your quest,
and intoxication will increase your restlessness.

There is only what He wills.
So leave your cares and abandon them.
Leave your preoccupations
which distract you and you will have rest.
(alhikam-commentary by ibn ajibah)