

My mind still cant quite grasp of the event that occur last night, felt for a moment, as if I was living through a dream. Of the visitors, of the fragrance, fragrance from the other side, the fragrance that my heart yearns to smell till this moment, syukur ke hadrat ilahi kerana mengizinkanku merasa nikmat bau-bauan yang teramat indah, seakan bauan kasturi….bau-bauan yang tak dapat digambarkan dengan kata-kata…bau-bauan yang sehingga kini amatlah ku rindui….of the advices, of the illness, of the surgery, of the wisdom and the story. That night, I bridge the invisible and the visible. That night will forever be chisel to my memory, as I have witness, as in ’aku naik saksi’ and from now onwards to seek witness the words of God and Sunah Rasul and be what is ordained upon us. My mind cant quite grasp, and it is difficult to with our kudrat, but only with mercy….patience is the key..to observe and to feel contemplate…to read and to hear…. Most importantly, to see with inner eyes and not the mind…. Those were the advice from the wise one…

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